Hello there, in this tutorial I am going to show you how to install and register Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010 Express.
Step 1: Go to http://www.microsoft.com/web/gallery/install.aspx?appid=VWD2010SP1AzurePack and click on Install Now button. It will download Microsoft Web Platform Installer.
Step 2: Run the downloaded .exe file and install the setup. Open the installed software.
Step 3: Type "express 2010" in the search box and press enter.
Step 4: Click on Add and install the software. This is an online (web) installer so now it will download and install the required files simultaneously.
Step 5: Open Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010 Express and go to Help > Register Product. Enter this registration key: CY8XP-83P66-WCF9D-G3P42-K2VG3. Done! You are successfully registered! Congrats, installation completes here! [Key reference: http://helal7star.blogspot.sg/2014/04/microsoft-visual-studio-2010-express_12.html]