Thursday, November 25, 2021

[How To] Use Cryptopp in Kali Linux

 Crypto++ is a popular C++ library for cryptography. Instruction in this article can be used to install Cryptopp for all operating systems similar to Kali Linux. Check out this article if you want to use it with Xcode in macOS.

Step 1: Download Crypto++ using this link

Step 2: Extract Crypto++ and switch to that directory from the terminal or shell.

Step 3: $ make

Step 4: $ make test

Step 5: $ sudo make install

Step 6: Compile your program using

g++ -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib yourCode.cpp -lcryptopp

Friday, November 12, 2021

Automate onboarding in Google Workspace

This tutorial demonstrates the use of Google Workspace apps to automate the onboarding experience for new users by adding them to a google group and sending automated welcome emails after they are added.

Step 1: Log in to Google Drive using your Google Workspace account and create a new Google Sheet.

Step 2: Go to Insert > Form and create a new Google Form.

Step 3: Add the email address and google group fields.

Step 4: Go to Tools > Script editor.

Step 5: In Apps Script > Go to Project Settings > Check the box for "Show "appsscript.json" manifest file in editor" option.

Step 6: Go to Editor > appsscript.json and change it to the following:

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Automate User Creation in Google Workspace

This tutorial demonstrates how to automate the user creation process in Google workspace using Admin SDK.

Step 1: Log in to Google Drive using your Google Workspace account and create a new Google Sheet.

Step 2: Go to Insert > Form and create a new Google Form.

Step 3: Add the desired fields: First Name, Last Name, Recovery Email, Recovery Phone, Reporting Manager, Location, Title, Department, etc.

Step 4: Go to Tools > Script editor.

Step 5: In Apps Script > Go to Project Settings > Check the box for "Show "appsscript.json" manifest file in editor" option.

Step 6: Go to Editor > appsscript.json and change it to the following:

Tuesday, November 09, 2021

[How to] Redirect URL in WordPress

In this tutorial, I will walk you through redirecting a URL in WordPress without using any plugins.

You can open a Terminal or Command Prompt window and do the following:

$cd to /var/www/html
$ls -loa
$sudo nano .htaccess
Append to the end of file “Redirect 301 old-URL new-URL”
Save the file and exit

$sudo service apache2 restart

Monday, November 08, 2021

[How To] Generate KEY and IV for CryptoPP in C++

In this tutorial, I will share strategies to generate random keys and initialization vector in C++ using CryptoPP library.

Approach 1:

SecByteBlock key(32), iv(24);
AutoSeededRandomPool prng;
prng.GenerateBlock(key, key.size());
prng.GenerateBlock(iv, iv.size());

Approach 2:

SecByteBlock key(16), iv(16);
std::string password = "Super secret password";
DeriveKeyAndIV(password, "encryption example", 100, key, key.size(), iv, iv.size());