Sunday, June 07, 2015

TRING - Random Number Generator

TRING is a windows software to generate True Random Numbers. It is based on Liner Congruential Model. This pseudo random number generator takes 4 inputs A,B,X,M from user to be used for the modified algorithm based on LCG approach. This generator is not meant to generate cryptographically secure random numbers i.e. if the values of A,B,X,M is available a crypt-analyst might crack the algorithm to predict the output over a time period. But that does not mean it is worthless. It can be used extensively for generating seed values to other pseudo-random number generators or true random number generators. Values obtained from it can be used for scientific research applications.

Step 1: Run TRING.exe.

Step 2: Insert values for A,B,X,M.
A,B - values for multiplication and addition
X - initial seed value
M - modulo

Step 3: Select the output file and path.

Step 4: Click on START button.
Here Limit up to field is used to define how many random numbers to be generated.

Step 5: Window showing successful operation message.

Step 6: Use CLEAR button to clear all values and LEAVE button to close the program.

Step 7: Output generated for the shown example:
  1. 3185
  2. 2481
  3. 4235
  4. 2078
  5. 1789
  6. 3711
  7. 5663
  8. 2804
  9. 5018
  10. 1191
  11. 2614
  12. 5107
  13. 4361
  14. 690
  15. 4917
  16. 6496
  17. 2471
  18. 2247
  19. 6543
  20. 2674
  21. 6140
  22. 3507
  23. 5562
  24. 4942
  25. 5327
Distribution Scatter Graph:
This is an output obtained by generating 250 random values in one run from 1 to 100 and another 250 values within the same range in second run. The graph shows the comparison between two.

Download links:



License: Freeware
Size: 13.5 KB - exe, 5.45 KB - zip

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