Sunday, June 07, 2015

UTRING - Unique Random Numbers

To know more about TRING visit:

UTRING is a modification to TRING. UTRING stands for Unique TRING. It generates and randomizes all the possible positive integer values between the range. It can be used in applications like transposition ciphers and games like bingo(housie).

Step 1: Run UTRING.exe. No need to install.

Step 2: Fill up the required inputs.
Select YES if you want 0 to be included in the output.

Step 3: Select output file and path.

Step 4: A message showing that generation of random numbers has been started.

Step 5: A message showing completion of process.

Step 6: Use CLEAR button to reset all fields. Use LEAVE button to exit program.

Step 7: 0 to 50 in random order generated by UTRING for a run:
  1. 48
  2. 15
  3. 23
  4. 50
  5. 9
  6. 6
  7. 40
  8. 26
  9. 7
  10. 18
  11. 5
  12. 45
  13. 35
  14. 47
  15. 41
  16. 27
  17. 16
  18. 2
  19. 22
  20. 24
  21. 3
  22. 12
  23. 17
  24. 11
  25. 1
  26. 0
  27. 39
  28. 49
  29. 30
  30. 4
  31. 42
  32. 46
  33. 33
  34. 20
  35. 10
  36. 43
  37. 37
  38. 19
  39. 14
  40. 28
  41. 29
  42. 31
  43. 44
  44. 13
  45. 34
  46. 21
  47. 36
  48. 25
  49. 8
  50. 38
  51. 32
Download links:



License: Freeware
Size: 13 KB - exe, 5.37 KB - zip

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