Thursday, November 11, 2021

Automate User Creation in Google Workspace

This tutorial demonstrates how to automate the user creation process in Google workspace using Admin SDK.

Step 1: Log in to Google Drive using your Google Workspace account and create a new Google Sheet.

Step 2: Go to Insert > Form and create a new Google Form.

Step 3: Add the desired fields: First Name, Last Name, Recovery Email, Recovery Phone, Reporting Manager, Location, Title, Department, etc.

Step 4: Go to Tools > Script editor.

Step 5: In Apps Script > Go to Project Settings > Check the box for "Show "appsscript.json" manifest file in editor" option.

Step 6: Go to Editor > appsscript.json and change it to the following:

"timeZone": "America/New_York",
"dependencies": {
"enabledAdvancedServices": [
"userSymbol": "AdminDirectory",
"serviceId": "admin",
"version": "directory_v1"
"exceptionLogging": "STACKDRIVER",
"oauthScopes": [
"runtimeVersion": "V8"

Step 7: Go to Editor > and change it to the following:

var ADDED_TO_SUBJECT = 'Added to group';
var ADDED_TO_DOC_URL = '';

* Installs a trigger on the Spreadsheet when a Form response is submitted.
function installTrigger() {

* Sends a customized email for every response in a form.
* @param {Object} e - Form submit event.
function onFormSubmit(e) {
var responses = e.namedValues;

// If the question title is a label, it can be accessed as an object field.
// If it has spaces or other characters, it can be accessed as a dictionary.
var timestamp = responses.Timestamp[0];
var userEmail = responses['Recovery Email'][0].trim();
var firstName = responses['First Name'][0].trim();
var lastName = responses['Last Name'][0].trim();
var reportingManager = responses['Reporting Manager'][0].trim();
var password = 'randomSecurePassword@1';
var groupEmail = ''

// Check if the group contains the user's email.
var status = '';
var group = GroupsApp.getGroupByEmail(groupEmail);
if (group.hasUser(userEmail)) {
// User is already in group, send a confirmation email.
status = 'Already in group';
} else {
// User is not part of the group, add user to group.
var user = {
primaryEmail: firstName + '.' + lastName + '',
name: {
givenName: firstName,
familyName: lastName,
fullName: firstName + ' ' + lastName,
relations: [{
value: reportingManager,
type: 'manager',
password: password,
changePasswordAtNextLogin: 'true',

user = AdminDirectory.Users.insert(user);
Logger.log('User %s created with ID %s.', user.primaryEmail,;

// User is not part of the group, add user to group.
var member = {email: firstName + '.' + lastName +
'', role: 'MEMBER'};
AdminDirectory.Members.insert(member, groupEmail);

// Send a confirmation email that the member was now added.
var addedToGroupDocId = DocumentApp.openByUrl(ADDED_TO_DOC_URL).getId();

var emailBody = docToHtml(addedToGroupDocId);
emailBody = emailBody.replace('{{EMAIL}}', userEmail);
emailBody = emailBody.replace('{{GOOGLE_GROUP}}', groupEmail);
to: userEmail,
htmlBody: emailBody,
status = 'Newly added';

// Append the status on the spreadsheet to the responses' row.
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var row = e.range.getRow();
var column = e.values.length + 1;
sheet.getRange(row, column).setValue(status);

Logger.log('status=' + status + '; responses=' +

* Fetches a Google Doc as an HTML string.
* @param {string} docId - The ID of a Google Doc to fetch content from.
* @return {string} The Google Doc rendered as an HTML string.
function docToHtml(docId) {
var url = '
export/Export?id=' +
docId + '&exportFormat=html';
var param = {
method: 'get',
headers: {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken()},
muteHttpExceptions: true,
return UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, param).getContentText();

Step 8: Go to Services > Add Admin SDK.

Step 9: Select installTrigger function from the dropdown and click on the Run button. (Just do it once; if you run it multiple times, it will create duplicate triggers. You can go to the Triggers menu to delete redundant ones.)


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