Sunday, February 19, 2017

Edit photo - Picture frame - Image effects in Python

from skimage import data, io
import sys
from skimage.color import gray2rgb

    rgb_image = data.imread(sys.argv[1])
    height = rgb_image.shape[0]
    width = rgb_image.shape[1]

    if(len(rgb_image.shape) < 3):
        rgb_image = gray2rgb(rgb_image)
    for i,j in zip(range(int(width/8)), range(int(width/8),0,-1)):
        rgb_image[i, 0:j, :] = 0
    for i,j in zip(range(int(7*(height/8)),height), range(0,int(width/8))):
        rgb_image[i, 0:j, :] = 0

Edit photo - Square crop - Image resizing in Python

from skimage import data, io
import sys
from skimage.color import gray2rgb

    rgb_image = data.imread(sys.argv[1])
    height = rgb_image.shape[0]
    width = rgb_image.shape[1]

    if height == width:
        print("already square image")
        if(len(rgb_image.shape) < 3):
            rgb_image = gray2rgb(rgb_image)
        right_image = rgb_image.copy()
        left_image = rgb_image.copy()
        center_image = rgb_image.copy()

Edit photo - Oil painting effect - Image manipulation in Python

from skimage import data, io
import random
import sys
from skimage.color import gray2rgb

    rgb_image = data.imread(sys.argv[1])
    height = rgb_image.shape[0]
    width = rgb_image.shape[1]

    if(len(rgb_image.shape) < 3):
        rgb_image = gray2rgb(rgb_image)
    for i in range(height):
        for j in range(width):
            for k in range(rgb_image.shape[2]):

Edit photo - Pencil sketch effect - Image processing in Python

from skimage import data, io, util
import random
import sys
from skimage.color import rgb2gray

    rgb_image = data.imread(sys.argv[1])
    height = rgb_image.shape[0]
    width = rgb_image.shape[1]
    if(len(rgb_image.shape) == 3):
        rgb_image = util.img_as_ubyte(rgb2gray(rgb_image))

Python: Count occurences in List

1. Histogram

>>> mylist = [1,3,2,5,4,4,2,2,4,2,4,2,4,6,4,5,2]

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

>>> plt.hist(mylist)
(array([ 1.,  0.,  6.,  0.,  1.,  0.,  6.,  0.,  2.,  1.]), array([ 1. ,  1.5,  2. ,  2.5,  3. ,  3.5,  4. ,  4.5,  5. ,  5.5,  6. ]), <a list of 10 Patch objects>)


Edit photo - Change color effects - Image filtering in Python


from skimage import data, io
import random

    rgb_image = data.imread("Collage.jpg")
    red_image = rgb_image.copy()
    green_image = rgb_image.copy()
    blue_image = rgb_image.copy()
    red_image[:, :, (1, 2)] = 0
    io.imsave("red_output_image.jpg", red_image)
    green_image[:, :, (0, 2)] = 0
    io.imsave("green_output_image.jpg", green_image)
    blue_image[:, :, (0, 1)] = 0
    io.imsave("blue_output_image.jpg", blue_image)

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Bar plot in Python using Bokeh

import pandas as pd
from collections import Counter
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from bokeh.charts import Bar, output_file, show
from bokeh.models.layouts import Column
import numpy as np

    data = pd.read_csv('new.csv')
    scan_col = Counter(data['Scan'])
    values = list()
    keys = list()
    for s in scan_col.keys():
        scan_time_total = datetime.strptime("00:00:00","%H:%M:%S")
        scan_time_total = timedelta(hours=scan_time_total.hour, minutes=scan_time_total.minute, seconds=scan_time_total.second)

Bar plot in Python using Matplotlib

import pandas as pd
from collections import Counter
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt; plt.rcdefaults()
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    data = pd.read_csv('new.csv')

    srn_col = Counter(data['SRN'])
    month_col = Counter(data['Month'])
    scan_col = Counter(data['Scan'])

    scan_dict = {}

Bar plot in Python using Plotly

Step 1: Install plotly package if you haven't.

Follow this article:

Step 2: Set up your online credentials for plotly account.

2.1: Go to
2.2: Sign in/sign up.
2.3: Open (API Settings page) and click on Regenerate Key button. Copy the API key.

Install Plotly package in Python

You need pip package manager to install Plotly package in Python.

Use this command to install plotly with python:
pip install plotly
